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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 9-10
  2. Music
  3. Activities
  4. The Music of Sarah Hopkins
  5. Additional Information
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Additional Information

View the Recording Templates for this Activity (Microsoft Word, 46 KB)

Guidelines for marking

The following guidelines for marking show one approach to assigning a value to a student's work. Other approaches may be used that better suit the reporting process of the school. Categories, marks, grades, visual representations or individual comments/notations may be useful.

Range A student in this range:


  • successfully composes a work demonstrating techniques used by Sarah Hopkins
  • explores a variety of sound sources and tone colours to represent their musical ideas
  • structures their composition into a coherent work
  • successfully organises and records a performance of their work


  • composes a work demonstrating some techniques used by Sarah Hopkins
  • explores sound sources and tone colours to represent their musical ideas
  • structures their composition into a complete work
  • successfully organises and records a performance of their work


  • attempts to compose a work with limited demonstration of techniques used by Sarah Hopkins
  • explores a limited variety of sound sources and tone colours to represent their musical ideas
  • has difficulty structuring ideas into a complete work
  • has difficulty organising and recording a performance of their work.


The teacher will provide oral feedback during the Activity and at various stages of the compositional process. Comments on their progress during the task will assist students in making their musical decisions. The teacher will provide written feedback on the effectiveness of the composition and the performance. Each student will undergo self-assessment, focusing on the effectiveness of their compositions and performances and whether the techniques and processes used by Sarah Hopkins are evident in their work.

Future directions

As a result of this unit students will have developed skills in listening, score reading, composing and performing and have understood the music of Sarah Hopkins. They will also have built on their skills in the manipulation of the concepts of music and this will be seen in their composition.

The unit models the way in which students can approach the study of other composers and their music and how this approach could be incorporated into other topics they study.

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