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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

Work Sample : Indra

Activity : Data Storage

    Data Storage - Indra : Grade Commentary

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Indra's answer shows sound knowledge of input, storage and output. There is a description of the effects on individuals, of Australian privacy and safety laws, and some explanation of why privacy is an issue. Indra applies and justifies responsible and ethical practice in the use of information, and also reveals sound knowledge of backup procedures. Indra recommends a policy and communicates ideas coherently. The addition of file types would show greater understanding of the properties of reports and the answer could have been stronger on legal/ethical issues, eg thinking beyond the practice. There is no mention of file types and a lack of technical terminology. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at grade C standard.

Grade C

The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.

Full list of grade descriptions

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